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1318 조승빈
작성자 조승빈 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 17

I disagree with your opinion that robots replacing human in the workplace.

 First, you said that when robots replace jobs, human working hours have not decreased, leisure has not increased. But you also insist that human will lose their job by robots and AI in the future, I think this means that robots are automated and organized. When robots can work by themselves, humans can enjoy leisure than before.

 Second, you insisted that we are more likely to waste time because of the decline of labor caused by the substitution of robots. But I think when robots replace our work, we wouldn't need to waste our time by working every day. Also, we can find more meaningful things in our lives through mental development.

 Last, you insisted that humans will have a minimum human life, not an equal and reasonable distribution of wealth. But when robots replaced various kinds of workplace, Therefore, the whole world will focus on welfare, and new laws and regulations will make to ensure their lives.

 In conclusion, I think robots replacing humans in the workplace can make us enjoy leisure than before, can find more meaningful things in our lives, make welfare better.

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