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1매 06 김보경
작성자 김보경 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 20

Hi, your argument is a very persuasive one. But I think there is some error in your argument.

First of all, I don't think robots are the cause of job losses. With robots coming in, many people can lose their jobs. But when robots are introduced, jobs related to robots will gradually increase. In the past, there used to be jobs such as telephone connections for connecting phones, chimney sweepers for cleaning chimneys, and water peddlers for supplying water to people living in high places. However, as the times have advanced, the need has gradually decreased as not many have been required. This can be said to be the case right now. I think it is natural that jobs that do not feel much need disappear as robots appear in the world. But not only will there be fewer jobs, but as many jobs will disappear in new fields, robots. As times change, trends continue to change and develop constantly. We believe that jobs must constantly be created and reduced to keep up with this change : )

이전글 [1지15 안광민] The negative effect of the use of robot
다음글 [1국28 정은채] Our future that robot's can't replace