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1국20 안서연
작성자 안서연 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 9

[1국20 안서연] You claimed that robots can make people healthy if they replace human jobs, but I think differently. First of all, infectious diseases can be spread through viruses remaining on objects, even if they are not human-to-human infections. In fact, some studies have shown that Corona is alive on the surface of objects at certain temperatures and spreads through them. Also, mentally speaking, I don't think it's a good idea to use an emotionless robot to avoid emotional contact with people. There will certainly be limits to communicating with emotionless people, and the loneliness and individualistic tendencies that humans feel in modern society will develop further.

이전글 [1난15오채영] Robots: what we need in our society.
다음글 [1322 허준서] Robots should replace human jobs