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<1죽22 전예은>
작성자 전예은 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 18


1죽 22 전예은


I read your essay very interestingly. I understand your concern about robot. Now, I refute your argument. First, I’ll talk about unemployment. In 18 century, there are also so many complaints about joblessness from machine invention. But people adapted their lives for that environment and now we overcome this and our society was changed in a good way. Like this case, I contend unemployment problems also wlil be solved by times goes. And the advantages from robot offset it. Wouldn’t the present demage and concern prevent the prosperity of human society? Second, you said that there will be terror through robots. But in contrast, I think robot can ban it reversely. The robot is difficult for the public to access and the robot follows the exact calculation value, which will reduce the probability of this problem occurring. Last, I agree that we must reduce environmental pollution. But it's a human destiny from the distant past to the future, and the sudden pollution in the use of robots is an excessive leap. Rather, robots can control excessive use and prevent pollution by themselves. In conclusion, I don’t agree on your opinion for this cause.


이전글 [1예12 유창호] Robots should replace human’s workplace
다음글 [1난17 이수연] Robots to Make the Better Society