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1225 황도영
작성자 황도영 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 23

I don't agree your opinion. First, the use of robots can reduce environmental pollution. Global warming and pollution are all made by human not robot. The environment of the Earth has become severe by human’s stupid behavior. Replacing a person with a robot can reduce energy loss and increase work efficiency compared to a person. The environmental pollution caused by the robot you are talking about is when the robot is running too much for 24 hours a day. Therefore, if we use it properly, it will bring the advantage of not only reducing environmental pollution but also increase the efficiency of work.

Second, you said if robots replace people, they'll lose a lot of jobs. But I don’t think so. Because there will be more jobs such as managing robots, cleaning robots, and making robots. Therefore, I think the number of job will retain. There will also be jobs in new field created by the development of Artificial Intelligence.

In conclusion, unlike you, I think robots should replace people.

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