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[1예20 조현준]
작성자 조현준 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 18

You have argued that robots have limitations in replacing people, but I think robots can replace people in more ways than you think.

First, robots can also present creative ideas. For example, a painting by French AI artist 'Obvious' recently sold for 430,000 dollar in the New York auction market. Not only Obvious, but also many AI artists have been developed and active, which means robots can also come up with creative ideas.

Secondly, robots can learn or grow themselves. Google already developed its own artificial intelligence, AlphaGo, in 2016 and beat humans. Technology has been more advanced now, so robots can also learn and grow on their own better.

Lastly, I think robots create jobs rather than lose them. As the simple labor job disappears, there will be a job to manage or develop those robots. In fact, according to the survey results of SBS, management jobs through programming are attracting attention globally as future jobs. In addition, the resulting economic efficiency will lead to consumption promotion and economic growth rather than a recession.

So robots will free us from unproductive work. Also, unlike the previous perception that only the injected contents are printed, the creating robot will develop further in the future. Therefore, robots will replace human work.

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