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[1예20 조현준]
작성자 조현준 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 28

You have argued that replacing humans has a negative effect, but I think replacing robots will have a positive effect.

First of all, robot job replacements can make people healthier. With the development of robots, such problems will be overcome by robots that take care of your health and robots that help you exercise. Furthermore, it can be an opportunity for humans to become healthier through robots.

Secondly, robot errors can be overcome through many verification and testing. We should not forget that humans can also make mistakes. Compared to human error, robot error frequency is significantly lower and this possibility can be further reduced through thorough verification and testing. As a result, I think using robots is safer than humans.

Finally, you argued that robots cause economic problems by increasing unemployment, but I think this is a claim that overlooked the existence of jobs that robots create. It would be appropriate to think of it as a job 'development' to a higher level than a job 'reduction', and advanced jobs would lead us to an efficient economy.

Therefore, the job replacement of robots has advantages in health, safety, and economy. Based on these advantages, I think the robot's job replacement will be accelerated.

이전글 [1211 신승현] Using robot : master key in workplace.
다음글 [1국11김시현] Robots can't replace the humans