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My thought to[1지10 박강한]
작성자 이지선 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 21

You said “ Some researchers say that using robots must increase an unemployment of people. It is true, but this problem can be relieved with making new jobs that are related to robots.” As you said, the new jobs will made in only the area that is related to robot. But robots are going to replace jobs that they used to do in various fields.  Like doctor, teacher, driver, and farmer, ect. In this situation, old jobs are vanishing away in a large amount  than a number of new jobs made by replacement. Finally a number of jobs will decrease. So i can’t agree with your statement.


이전글 (1인07서현준) Shadow of the Robot
다음글 1206김유진Robots shouldn't replace human in workplace