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1225 황도영 to [1209 남기태]
작성자 황도영 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 13

1225 황도영

I think there is something wrong with your idea. As you know, we've developed more than before and I agree that too. In only 10 years, science has grown tremendously. As a result, viruses such as cold and flu, which were previously hard to prevent, can be prevented right now. So our advanced science will do just like that in the future. Thus we don't have to worry about not only virures but also coming 'era of uncontact'. Perhaps, this point is what you want to talk about. But there is a contradiction in this statement. The present development of technology to prepare for the virus does not help the situation at the time of the virus outbreak. The main point is no matter how much science develops, It is hard to stop the virus at the time of its outbreak. By your logic, we can prepare all viruses with developed science. Then can you explain why we're just looking at the Corona virus right now? We have developed in science and we will continue to develop. But we still can't completely prevent the corona virus. This means that even if our technology develops in the future, we may not be able to stop the viruses as the situation of current. Are you sure that future viruses can be completely prevented by scientific advances?


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