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[1매29 정효원]
작성자 정효원 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 13

I disagree with you for the following reasons. You said that it will cause job losses, but I think it is not actually true. The new jobs which is related to robots will be created. Moreover, you may think that simple workers will lose their jobs, but perhaps this can be their new opportunity to get the other kind of job. And I partially agree that science and engineering fields will be the main sources to get jobs. However, in order to create a robot that can handle so many different jobs, it will eventually require a person with talent in various fields. In other words, even linguist who seems to have nothing to do with robots will need to make professional robots which is related to language.

이전글 1예01곽시훈 Will robots be able to replace human jobs?
다음글 1314전시우Robot should replace human in the workplace