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[1난19 이지수] Demand must be considered
작성자 이지수 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 20

I think your reasons to your opinion is great. But demands of goods must be considered when you insist your reasons.

You said, robots will produce more goods and distribute it than human that lead to serious environmental pollution. I'm oppose to your opinion that distribution process of goods produces a considerable pollutants. Even if robots produces more goods than human, demands of people will not be the same as increased production although it will rise, and the surplus products will be generated. Eventually, the scale of distribution process will grow, but not too big. As a result, environmental pollution caused by grown distribution process will not reach to a serious level.

이전글 1207 김지민 Advantage of robots
다음글 [1인04박성민] Robot: An Up-to-date Alternative