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[1325 황현성]
작성자 황현성 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 18


I think that the efficiency of work increases. However, I don’t agree with some of your opinions.


First, you said that replacing robots to human jobs doesn't cause corruption and there's less bullying in the workplace. I think corruption and bullying in the company are almost occasional. I think replacing jobs with robots can be unfair to people who work hard and honestly, and just a few people can't hurt everyone. I think all we have to do is try to eliminate and resolve this corruption and harassment. I don't think the solution is to avoid corruption and harassment by just replacing jobs with robots. We, therefore, need to set up a system to be more closely monitored and interested in others to prevent corruption and prevent bullying in the company, not just avoiding problems by replacing robots. If replaced by robots, there will be no human atmosphere let alone harmony. There would be a company of robots. 


Also, you said that ‘to solve the corruption problem, hiring robots as high-ranking corporate officials will help create a fair and clean society.’ This does not mean that we are in charge of robots and play a role in handling robots. I don't think this opinion is appropriate because this is what we are governed by, high-ranking corporate officials, robots. I think high-ranking corporate officials should be human. Because, with current technology, the robot's own judgment may not be accurate and has yet to be verified.


Therefore, I think using robots instead of humans is not a good way to solve problems.

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