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[1325 황현성]
작성자 황현성 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 20

I think robots are efficient. However, I don’t agree with some of your opinions.

First, you said that ‘robots don’t make mistakes,‘ But, robots make mistakes in current technology. There were robot accidents in Germany, China and more. For example, a worker in his 40s was crushed to death by a loaded robot building fertilizer in Chungnam. A worker was found pressed down on the robot's arm. What we can think of from this is, robots are not safe and there will be a problem that who should take the accident responsibility.

Next, you said that ‘robots can make some jobs or increase some jobs like making robots, or controlling robots’ But robots increase jobs, but overall, they reduce jobs. I think there should be more alternatives to these problems in order to make robot work practical.

Also, you said that ‘jobs will increase and robots controlling jobs will be needed. But, jobs for the weak could be a problem. If we are too efficient and try to replace humans with robots, the weak will not be able to work. For example, elderly often have a job like a taxi driver and apartment guard. However, these jobs can be replaced by robots. In other cases, the jobs that robots can replace are those currently held by the weak. I like our pursuit of efficiency, but I hope we can make a decision after considering it with humanity.

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