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작성자 김동혁 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 19

I disagree that robot should replace human in the workplace.

Of course, it would be  useful for robots to replace humans under extremely risk situations or in inaccessible accident scenes (i.e., Fukushima Nuclear Disaster). The biggest difference between humans and robots is on the presence of empathy which allows us to understand others’ emotion and pains. Thus, robots lacking empathy will abandon their treatment for the patient without mercy when it is judged that the patient is unlikely to survive. However, humans never hand off his care even if the patient has a probability of survival with 1%.

Hence, I agree to use the robots as an assistant that helps human being in the workplace, but I think it is dangerous for the robots as a decision maker to replace human in the workplace especially where empathy is essential. 

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