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1315 정승재
작성자 정승재 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 34

Your opinion is so great, but I disagree with you. First, you claimed that robots can reduce labor costs. However, it costs countless expenses to develop robots. Therefore, even if such a robot is released to the public, it is not easy to purchase since it is not a large company, so it costs only development, and I think there is a little real possibility. Also, jobs will increase only in very specialized fields. For this reason, people who lack skills and experience will face more difficulty finding jobs, and eventually, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen.

Secondly, you claimed robots could reduce mistakes. However, human errors are limited. Because human strength and physical strength are limited, so humans make only small mistakes, but robots don't have limits on strength and physical strength, so it's very difficult to solve mistakes that robots make.

"Lastly, if robots replace humans, people will undergo difficulties in many parts. For example, the elderly are still suffering from a lot of disadvantages because they are unable to use their machines well. Under these circumstances, if robots take over human occupations, they will not be able to adapt to rapid changes and will have a hard time using robots. Even if there were developments in the robot industry, only a few would follow, and the rest would be eliminated.

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