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작성자 조윤아 등록일 20.07.14 조회수 28

 You argued that robots need long preparation time, a large budget and limited usage and robots which have a specific proposal can do one thing that can cause of the waste of time. Your arguments are creative and logical. However, I want to talk about some errors of your evidence.

 You said that we have to pay a lot of money to use robots. It is true that robots are expensive, but they are very cost effective. If we buy robots and use them, we can save money on wages and meals. As a result of one investigation in an automobile factory, if we use industrial robots, we can save twice as much money as using humans. Considering the life of the robot is about 8 years and the cost of using it is less expensive than working for humans, the money saved is rather higher.  

이전글 [1110신정호]Robots should replace human in workplace.
다음글 [1821 전다현] Robot should not replace human in it.