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[1예17 정윤호]
작성자 정윤호 등록일 20.07.14 조회수 32

 You argued that robots should not replace people's jobs, because of the social perspective. I agree there will be social chaos if robots replace people's jobs. However, I think the problems you talked about can be solved in the long run.

 First, you said that robots can reduce jobs. That's true, of course. These days, for example, the simple workers aren't winning over the machines. However, instead of the simple workers disappearing, some new people designed, built, and sold the machines. So the same goes for robots. It looks like robots are reducing human standing, but they're going to have people planning, manufacturing, distributing, and managing them, and society is going to be able to distribute human resources more efficiently.

 And you also talked about problems caused by expensive robots, and that's true, too. But over time, robots will be cheaper, and even small businesses will be able to buy them. So, if countries sign an agreement to limit the number of robots until the price of robots is low enough, the gap between the rich and the poor will not widen.

 To sum up, the problems you talked about can be solved with only a small effort. And that effort is no match for the tremendous benefits that robots give. So I want you to think about this problem again.

이전글 (1225 황도영) "Companion of human and robot"
다음글 [1지10 박강한] Robot:replacement of human in workplace