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작성자 나한수 등록일 20.07.14 조회수 21

I think the shortcomings you said are reasonable but I disagree about that. First, you said that if robots replace human work, the unemployment rate rises. Then why is it a problem? Because of decreasing in income? This can be prevented by temporary solutions such as basic income or taxes. The reason why I described it as a temporary solution is that these will be unnecessary. As production devices such as 3D printers develop, everyone can be consumers and producers. This means that even an ordinary person can have a competitive ability over a company with capital. Eventually, income becomes stable and we can live a comfortable life.

Second, you said that the diversity of jobs is gone. However, if income is stabilized and the meaning of the job is changed to "activities I want" rather than "activities that make money," jobs will become more diverse as people will be able to do activities that they couldn’t do usually because of money or time.

Third, you mentioned the inconvenience of the elderly. But if such demand arises, machines equipped with convenient technologies such as voice recognition and motion recognition will be commercialized, and the elderly can spend their leisure time in old age.

The question you said is a reasonable idea that everyone should do. However, problems arising from the development of technology can be solved when society changes with the development of technology. In order to gain comfort, Process to overcome inconvenience is required. Therefore, I think replacing humans into robots at work is a way for people to enjoy a better life.

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