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[1인24 최종두]
작성자 최종두 등록일 20.07.13 조회수 49

As robots replace human in workplace, many jobs will be gone. That might be true, but as many jobs disappear, many jobs will appear as well. Unemployment rate was always maintained between 5 to 10% in past 250 years. Throughout the history, as technology develops, many jobs have appeared as many jobs disappear. As train become a main transportation in 1850s, a lot of carters lost their jobs. Train engineers appeared. Then in 1900s, as automobile appears, train engineers lost their jobs. Car mechanics appeared. In 1993, the first internet browser, Mosaic, has been revealed. Many predicted that people will use e-mail, shop online, and read less newspapers, so jobs will disappear. Half was right, and half was wrong. As internet soaks to our lives, many jobs like web designers, online marketers appeared. Change of jobs is a normal thing when technology improves. As robot industry develops, people should seek new jobs that will appear with robots.

The stories about robot rebel are being a subject for many SF novels and movies including ‘Matrix’ and ‘Terminator’. But they are just stories of SF novels. This cannot be realized in reality. For example, the novel by Isaac Asimov, ‘iRobot’, ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ is one of the main setting of the novel. It includes that robots must not harm people or make humanity in harmful situation. It is not the example in real world, but it shows that robot rebel can be prevented by human’s programming. You might say, ‘What if robot rebel really occurs?’. There is a powerful weapon against robots. EMP, is a weapon that does no harm to living creatures including human, but it makes huge amount of pulse flow to circuit in machines. Any circuits exposed to the EMP will be destroyed, so robots will break down.

이전글 [1423황동현]_Replacing Human into Robots is too Risky
다음글 [1826조윤아] Robots should replace human in workplace