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[1지05 김용현] An agreement to [1지07 김태헌]
작성자 김용현 등록일 20.07.12 조회수 33

[1지05 김용현]

  When I first saw your writing, I didn't know what  'indispensable' meant. After I searched for it, I knew what it meant. A word 'indispensable' means that something is essential. I also think same as you. Robots are 'indispensable' to our life. We desperately need robots to make them work instead of human labors.  And I was impressed at the point where you explained why robots are more elaborate than humans. I realized that there are more ways to agree with robots replacing human jobs which I didn't think about. I thank you for your writing because I learned many things from it.

이전글 1714김하은Robot should replace human in the workplace
다음글 [1118전형준] negative point of robot inevitablely met