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[1인09 송지민]
작성자 송지민 등록일 20.07.12 조회수 52

[109 송지민]

 You said replacing human place with robot is a huge economic and environmental burden. I agree with the latter but not with the former. If we use robots in workplace, we don't have to pay salary to them, so we can save money. Also, using robots reduces the number of workers injured during labor, thus reducing the amount of money spent in the medical field.

 Also, you argue that many people will lose their jobs. But that is not true. Although tractors, assembly lines, and computers were developed to reduce human labor, employment in the United States has steadily increased over 125 years. In the case of robots, there would be no difference.

 Third, you claimed that people who lose their jobs have no opportunity to meet other people. However, people don’t make relationship with others only in workplace. Rather, using robots may help people build interpersonal relationships by providing them with plenty of leisure time. Thus, people can be more healthy after using robots.

 For these reasons, I insist that we use robots in the workplace.

이전글 [1의02 김동률] Should robots replace human in the work
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