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[1지22] 최호빈
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.10 조회수 24
[1지22 최호빈] Rebuttal for [1지13 방석민] Robots should replace human in the workplace I don’t agree with your essay. You said that more jobs like SI specialists or robot ethicists. What he stated is that robots will make us new jobs while they make our jobs disappear. So do we have to work for robots now? Robots serve for us and we serve for robots? Building up bunch of robots costs a lot. It needs mass amount of resources and time. Why don’t we just do our works ourselves. What you said is “It is true that robots can replace our jobs’. Do you think jobs that you mentioned as alternatives are not replaced into robots? By the way, these alternatives of jobs related to managing robots need skills and techniques. People have to spend much time and efforts to do that. People who faced financial problems will be forced to spend their time for achieving new jobs. It would not make them happier. So why don’t you just give up your opinion and join the ‘OPPOSITION’ side??
이전글 1206김유진Robots shouldn't replace human in workplace
다음글 1지19 정경한/ Robots should replace human in workplace