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작성자 정태원 등록일 20.07.09 조회수 41

I disagree with your opinion. 

First of all the robot works much faster, much more accurate than humans do.

In other words, it means that robots make much money than humans do. Then there will be more profits than before. Also, if those benefits can raise the basic support fund for the socially poor people, robots working can reduce the economic inequality, the gap between the rich and the poor.

 Second, if you look at many books and papers related to robots, you can easily see that they are the three principles of robots. One of the principles is that robots should not harm humans. Many scientists know the importance of this, so I think it is not right that robots attack people because the law is basically applied when building robots.

Third, if robots replace human jobs, human bonds will be increase. If robots replace human jobs, humans will no longer have to work for their lives and they can enjoy leisure time instead of working. In this respect, the bond between humans will inevitably increase further.

이전글 [1국31진서영] Robots are machines and not humans.
다음글 1111신지환 Robot shouldn't replace human in workplace