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[1지22 최호빈]
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.09 조회수 47

 [122 최호빈] Rebuttals for [1109 송지민] Robot: A must for nowadays.


 I agree that using robots help to overcome the crisis of the Corona Virus. However, there are something that I disagree with his essay. First of all, the development of technology does not always make our society better. He mentioned that  invention of smelting iron made human use more efficient tools. On the other hand the first things made with iron were weapons. Iron tools have improved our agriculture, but iron weapons made people to fight against each other. Development of medical technology caused many soldiers to lose their lives in battleground. Development of steam engine made human invent all kinds of weapons such as tanks, fighters, assault helicopters and battleships. Development of technology is not the key of ‘development’. Those technology of robot might be misused.

He mentioned that more than hundreds of kids are dying because of the imbalance of resources. I wonder if embracing robots to economy can help those children in danger. The imbalance of the resource is occurred because of imbalanced social structure. Also, it is the problem of selfish government and corporations. Also, building up robots costs a lot. If we set a set of infrastructure of robot network, massive amount of resources would be used. Additionally, more resources are required to maintain this system. I think wide cooperation of governments and social organizations is the solution of imbalance problem. Robots are not the efficient way.

 Also he said that it can increase the quality of life.  And we will be able to exercise more of our imagination, and achieve more. I strongly disagree with his logic. The quality of life is guaranteed only when one has a certain income. If original human workers are kicked out of their jobs, they lose their basic of life. In this society of capitalism, we need incomes. Maybe, we will be able to develop our creativity. Does that mean we can get enough money to live our lives? There will be tremendous numbers of people who hope to achieve one’s goal with their creativity. Would it be happy to live in the world of such competition? We can’t just focus on things that need more creativity and more intelligence. The jobs need that kinds of stuff need massive mounts of education. Do you think a person with financial crisis who just lost his only job because of robots can actually focus on those? Will he be happy being enforced to imagine something considered ‘creative’?  Machine(robot) cannot exist without human, but we can live without them.

이전글 [1631홍서연] Robot : Our Future Guide
다음글 [1110신정호]Robots should replace human in workplace.