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[1지22 최호빈]
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.08 조회수 37

[122 최호빈] Rebuttals for ‘[110 신정호] should robots replace human in the workplace?’

 I think it is true that robots work better than humans. Though it accompanies burden of money and resources, developing robots for certain jobs might be a efficient way.

 He said that ‘133 million new jobs could be created with advances in technology, such as robotic algorithms in the next 10 years, according to WEF’. Also since people have more demand in their personal happy lives, more jobs will appear. I think this is not appropriate. Is it sure that new 133 million new jobs are not taken by robots? And, Jobs ‘such as robotic algorithms’ need proficient skill and knowledge. To get a ‘such a new job’, many people would be enforced to learn new jobs. Would that make them happier? Think of jobs mostly replaced with robots. Those jobs do not require much education and money to become, so people in financial problems or people with low income take it to sustain their lives. If robots replace their jobs, do you think they have enough background to get a new job like ‘robotic algorithms’? No. That kind of job is not gained easily.

 He also said that ‘Some think humans are best beings in almost every aspects in the world, but such world was over and we must face the reality that robots and computers should replace us.’ I think this is not appropriate. He said ‘133 million new jobs could be created’. If those jobs are ‘aspects that robots and computers can do better’, can they replaced too? Than what is the use of these new jobs? If we face the reality that robots and computers should REPLACE us, do we have to yield those jobs? Robots and Computers are not aliens from another planet. Who made computers? Who made robots? All knowledge is made by human. Computers and Robots are just helpers in every aspects. We don’t say our laptops are ‘better’ than us since they can calculate much faster then us. They are just ‘tools’. I think humans are best beings in almost aspects on this planet. Though computers and robots are amazing, they can’t be considered as the same way as we do. Moreover, world that computer and robots ‘replaced’ human might be a disastrous society. Of course people have high demands for their happy lives. But happy lives need the wage.

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