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[1지22 최호빈]
작성자 최호빈 등록일 20.07.08 조회수 48

[122 최호빈] I agree what [123 황동현]‘Replacing Human into Robots is too Risky now’ says.


 It think what he wrote is true. Robots cannot be used immediately, and we need to prepare for using robots. Robots are expensive, including the cost of making and maintaining. Also setting the infrastructure of robots also need money. Some of this money might be budgets (which is synonym for tax). And, putting such resources for robot doesn’t sound make sense. For example, let’s say a person had wanted to drink a cup of hot coffee. So he decided to build a robot that can make coffee. He finally made the robot and he drank the coffee his creature made. Why didn’t he just make one for himself. It would be more convenient and relaxing. He just wasted his money and time for making a coffee robot. Of course some might say he might earn lots of money because of that robot, or his life became more comfortable. But think of our environment. Producing robots would waste more resource than before. Additionally, people will want new robots. Old robots will be dumped away.

 Moreover, robots are not fully developed to do certain task like [123 황동현] wrote. The robots we see inside a peacefully lab are not ready for the harsh jobs.

 So I agree with his essay.

이전글 [1110신정호]Robots should replace human in workplace.
다음글 [1821 전다현] Robot should not replace human in it.