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[2312양지승] Zoo : A System Designed For Human Beings
작성자 전찬모 등록일 19.10.30 조회수 33

[2지27 전찬모]

Like you, I also think the problem is that we look at the zoo from a human perspective. Practically, however, it would be better to maintain the zoo system rather than abolish it, which can cause too many side effects, raising the standard of living for animals, and correcting the points you have made. If the zoo is abolished as you say, what should the animals remaining in the zoo do? If you answer that they should be sent to nature, is there a place for them to live now? And can these adapt there? I object to the abolition of the zoo unless there is a proper answer to this question.

이전글 [2720 이서영] The Cause of Animal Abusing : Zoo
다음글 [2603김윤진] Zoo is the nature's concentration camp (2)