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작성자 이효윤 등록일 19.10.17 조회수 46

First of all, zoos have the advantage of protecting endangered species, but are animals happy with their life? The sight of animals lying on their backs in small breeding grounds is a common sight in zoos. I don't think South Korea can afford to create a safari-like environment where autonomous animal behavior is possible. If you're a living zoo that can help animals become self-reliant, I'd say yes. However, I think it is right to abolish the zoo if there is a lack of practical conditions. You also said that zoos can bring about positive effects in terms of education, but if you misinterpret animals that show sudden behavior due to extreme stress, you can get distorted knowledge. Therefore, I disagree with your opinion.

이전글 [2706 김지영] We can save animals by maintaining zoo (2)
다음글 [2814 신지민]We are free animals with an independent!