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[2매 23이재우] Zoo: The prison for animals
작성자 이효윤 등록일 19.10.17 조회수 85

 I am against the zoo. Zoos are not spaces for animals. It is only a cross-sectional story that zoos protect and reproduce endangered animals to help maintain species diversity. This is not to take into account the reality of the zoo. Zoos are not designed for animals, but for human interests and convenience.


 Some people also say that creating the zoo's environment similar to nature will solve the problem, but I don't think it's a fundamental solution because it's only close to nature, and it's not really a natural state.  


There is also a view that zoos are a venue for education that teaches visitors about ecological knowledge and the spirit of respect. But I don't think it's easy to learn from animals at the zoo. Everyone must have heard once that animals locked up in the zoo are showing abnormal behavior under stress. People will rather get distorted images or knowledge of animals that show such behavior.


And I think it's against the spirit of respect for life itself to be happy to see animals in an unusual state.

Therefore, I think it is right to abolish the zoo and send the animals back to nature.

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