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[1606 김지유] RE:[1804 김다해] punishment for juvenile delinquency should be strengthened.
작성자 신승한 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 93

[1606 김지유]

I strongly agree with your opinion. I also think that teenagers are commiting a planned crime knowing that punishment for a crime they commit is much weaker than adult. However, the last reason for your opinion that the human rights of the victim also must be considered was the idea that I haven't thought. I think it is very logical and creative reason. It would be one of the strongest ground of the argument that the Juvenile delinquency should be strengthened.

이전글 [1728홍경아] Down sides of juvenile law
다음글 [1606 김지유] Strengthening the law is needed for the better world