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RE:1매18 이은혜 Should we strengthen the juvenile law ?
작성자 한유빈 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 115

1524임수정 댓글

I totally agree with you.

I will tell some of the reason why I agree with you.

Because young people under 14 are not subject to criminal punishment, and those under 18 are limited to a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison, and most of them commit violent crimes using the law, which is a protection device for youths. As time goes by, the intensity of juvenile crime’s brutality is severe. Therefore I argue that it’s time to step up juvenile punishment.

이전글 [1728홍경아] Down sides of juvenile law
다음글 [1606 김지유] Strengthening the law is needed for the better world