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RE:[1의26최병수] Don`t look at teenagers as infants.
작성자 전찬모 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 55
 Personally, I agree with you very much. However, unlike you, I try to be rational whenever I think of this. First of all, your argument is that adolescence is a time of maturity, and if they make it wrong at this time, it will be bad for the future. But do they feel repugnant when they go to society over time after being punished severely during our teenage years? Or do they have negative feelings, including discontent with society? So we should look for ways to help them repent as a positive society, rather than at random punishing them for a strong, long time. Adolescence is a turbulent period, but it's the only time in life that we can deeply reflect and change our lives.
이전글 [1402 김상훈] The need to strengthen punishment for juvenile delinquency
다음글 1매18 이은혜 Should we strengthen the juvenile law ?