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RE:[1710 박한솔] [1724 최예린]
작성자 조예원 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 121
 I understand your opinion,but I can't agree. Just because the domestic environment is bad does not justify the actions they have done. It depends on the intensity of violence, but if you have committed more violence than adults, you should be punished more than adults. I think violence is not a matter of the family, but of the moral and ethical duty that one must protect and be responsible for what one does. If you really are right about the violence committed by your family and state, you will be punished accordingly. However, it is wrong to dismiss juvenile delinquency as a poor home environment and a lack of national care.

1724 최예린

이전글 [1402 김상훈] The need to strengthen punishment for juvenile delinquency
다음글 1매18 이은혜 Should we strengthen the juvenile law ?