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RE:[1609 송진희] Is age exoneration? [1예12 박창훈]
작성자 박창훈 등록일 18.11.27 조회수 65
I strongly agree with your opinion that punishment for juvenile crimes should be strengthened, but I have raised doubts on your reasons. Do you think the stronger punishment could be justified because of just teens committing crimes that are same-leveled as adults? The purpose of this law is to protect youth from getting severe punishment because youth lack intellectual judgement more than adults. What I'm trying to say is that even if the level of crime committed by juveniles might be same as adults, it is necessary to consider their intelligence and judging ability, not just applying standarized criteria. [1예12 박창훈]
이전글 1지24편상혁
다음글 [1507 박정민] Juvenile Law Should Be Enhanced