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RE:[1504 김윤진] The current punishment for juvenile delinquency, who is it for.
작성자 이지원 등록일 18.11.27 조회수 45


[1521 이지원] I agree with your opinion that it is true to be stricter to juvenile law. Especially, I’m impressed wth your third basis. The crimes committed these days are considered rude to all the people since we live in Republic of Korea society. I also know stealing is a bad thing when I was in kindergarten. Also, of course it is true getting along well with friends, and it is not good to harass them. Most crimes are committed in this way in our common sense. Teenagers also know these basic things. It is the adult's prejudice that juveniles don’t know about them because they are young. If these lackadaisical attitude is lasting by keeping juvenile law, more teenager will be driven to crimes.

이전글 [1507 박정민] Juvenile Law Should Be Enhanced
다음글 [ 1국23 조은서 ] The stronger penalties The better society.