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RE:[1517 이슬희] Is stricter punishment the answer to juvenile crime?
작성자 이지원 등록일 18.11.26 조회수 46

[1521 이지원] First, I also agree with some of your opinion. But I think it is settling attitude in a fast-changing world. You said adolescent is not fully grown up so they can misjudges many things. But, looking the lately crimes, juveniles crimes corresponded to death penalty and life imprisonment are very cruel which is secondary to adult’s heinous crime. In this situation, just because of assailant’s age, it isn’t right to make a difference between juveniles and adults at the same cases. Also you said, the forever lasting stigma of having a crime record would make it hard for the juvenile to live society. In this point, you make a mistake which overlooks the victim’s human rights. Victims get lots of wound which can’t be recover by juvenile’s reckless crime. But, the purpose of juvenile assailant’s stabile life is the behavior ignoring victim’s right again. Juveniles have intensive shield called Juvenile Law. But how about this can lip into juvenile’s hand a sword?

이전글 1의07 김정명 Juvenile law for perpetrators
다음글 [1504 김윤진] The current punishment for juvenile delinquency, who is it for.