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RE:[1324 최현빈] Is Stricter punishment the answer to juvenile crime?
작성자 김영진 등록일 18.11.21 조회수 41

One of these things I want to discuss is that strict punishment is meaningless. You mentioned that only 3 percent of juvenile crimes are related to violence, and 97 percent of them are mild crimes. but  if you consider the cruelty of a crime like the Busan, and Ulsan, you will not think that  it  should not be reinforced. Although very few are involved in violence, isn't it a duty to stop discussing juvenile crime and significantly reduce juvenile crime?

이전글 [1예22 조윤재] Teenagers need to be civilized rather than punished.
다음글 [1 예 4 김영진] Juvenile Law - Protection of felons