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RE:[1의06 김시형] Prevent Other Crime Due to Community Alerts
작성자 정수빈 등록일 18.04.19 조회수 39

[ 1국21 정수빈 ]

I would like to ask about your third reason.
Can't they walk on the streets even though they have no intention of committing a crime?
Then their human rights are not respected, are they? Human rights are a right to live like a human being. I accept that the disclosure is intended to alert people to violent criminals. But if they can't even go to the streets, should they stay at home? If felons can't go to crowded places and even convenience stores in front of their homes, it is not only a violation of human rights, but also a expulsion from society. So, felons can feel alienated from society and start committing crimes again.

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