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RE:[1인8 김현성] releasing identities
작성자 정수빈 등록일 18.04.19 조회수 30

[ 1국21 정수빈 ]

I agree with your opinion.

I think that revealing the identities of felons prevents them from returning to society. Even though they reflect one themselves and try to devote their lives to ways that are beneficial to society, identified felons are refused to return to society. They are not free from the perception that they are felons, and the felons end up wandering. So they're socially isolated, and they can either commit crimes again or commit suicide. I also agree that not only felons but also their families suffer damage. Therefore, I think we should help the felons instead of uncondtionally denying their return to society.

이전글 [1인11 어수현] Release the Identities of the Criminal to prevent the Re-offending
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