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RE:[1213 성호영] [Is it worth revealing the identity of the criminal?]
작성자 유용준 등록일 18.04.17 조회수 41

Your opinion is also very credible.
However, there is no guarantee that all criminals will repent their mistakes and become good people again.

The rate of repeat offenders decreased 3.2% in 2004, but increased 3.4% in 2005, to 3.7% in 2006. The recidivism rate of it was only 26.2% standard in 2008 increased steadily, and increased to 36.9% in the 2011 standard.

It is very common to commit crimes again without realizing the mistake.Despite these circumstances, our society is only protecting criminals.
I think it is a good idea for our society to protect criminals, but it is also one of the best ways to make people aware of their mistakes through methods such as the disclosure of their personal information.

And I think people who are close to me should be punished if they have committed a crime.

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