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RE:[1죽05 김민지] There is no need to protect the identities of criminals.
작성자 이효윤 등록일 18.04.17 조회수 26
Your opinion is so similiar to mine. So I strongly agree with you.
In your Second basis, You told that the faces of criminals will ve hidden and only the faces of police officers will be seen. I think that is a creative basis support your opinion , it is stupid to protect criminals. Because I could't found out like this although I know. and in your final mention, you said " It is necessar to change the society in which the victim lives garder than the offender wo committed the crime" . I think This mention is very nice. On my essay, I wrote I hope become a society that the criminals can feel shameful. It is very similiar to yours!!
And additionally, I think the identities of criminals should disclose to the public for the victims. Because do not disclose the criminals' identities, the victims will feel tight.
Anyway, I love and strongly agree with your opinion. It is nice.
이전글 [1죽26 최지애] Necessity of Releasing the Identities of Serious Criminals
다음글 [1의08김진모]About the Efficacy and Human Rights of the Criminal's identity Disclosure