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RE:[1지 21 정건희]The disclosure of personal information for the people for the society
작성자 김진모 등록일 18.04.15 조회수 42

[108김진모] I respect your opinion. But I would like to post a few different ideas. First, most crimes occur among acquaintances. Therefore, it would not be a good choice to release the criminals ' personal information to the public to prevent other crimes.

When the criminal's personal information was first disclosed in 2010 and 2011, the number of sexual assault crimes targeting children and teenagers increased from the previous year. Therefore, it turns out that preventing other crimes by revealing the criminals ' personal information has no effect at all.

For this reason, I am against revealing the identity of criminals. And I think it is necessary to help them become a member of society through isolation from the public, strengthening punishment, and regular education.

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