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[1117 이상현]
작성자 이상현 등록일 18.04.14 조회수 35

[1117 이상현] I understand the two reasons you are opposed to the disclosure of serious criminals' identities. The two reasons can be summarized as 'protecting the human rights of criminals' and 'ineffectiveness of the disclosure of criminals' identities'. Firstly, you are saying that the identities of serious criminals should not be released to protect their human rights. Of course, the human rights of criminals should also be protected. But we have to live with others in a society. In the society, if criminals' human rights and public interests conflict, public interests should be prioritized. In particular, crimes such as murder or kidnapping should be subject to different criteria from ordinary crimes. Secondly, you are questioning the effectiveness of disclosing serious criminals' identities. Opening serious criminals' identities may not be effective if its effectiveness is considered only in terms of the prevention of crimes. But, the measure can satisfy the public's right to know and protect them. So, I think the measure is effective enough.

이전글 [1죽12 박서영] Why should criminals are cover up?
다음글 [1지23 차상경] Protect The Identities of Serious Criminals:A Chance for Criminals to Commit Crimes Again (3)