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RE:[1예18유희상] IT's Not A DEAL
작성자 엄성용 등록일 18.04.09 조회수 66

[1예16 엄성용]

Hello, 희상. I'm your classmate, 성용. I think a position about this topic between you and me is quite different. What I'm gonna say is, can you suggest a evidence that disclosure of serious criminal's identities decrease the number of another crime? There is a material which proves that it can't bloke another crime in my essay. And, you wrote that it can prevent potential crime, how do you think that it can lead to revenge offense to the criminals? Is crime's life unprecious just because they commit a crime? I don't think so. I guess it will be a cycle of murder by notifying their information. I hope that you leave a message about it.

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