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RE:RE:[1지23 차상경] Protect The Identities of Serious Criminals:
작성자 차상경 등록일 18.04.09 조회수 33

 Thanks for commenting. I understand you want a community where everyone can live decent life. But, if we punish serious criminals only in legal ways, of which many people think to be weak, it can be said that we don't respect victims' mind and life. Suppose that the serious criminals have went to the jail for particular period and after went out the jail they live normally as if they weren't the criminals because nobody knows that they commited serious crimes. The victims' mind would be tore to endless pieces and their life would become depressed. As you wrote, "Although victims are painful" in your comment, it is impossible to make the society where everyone is happy(decent). If criminals get happy, victims will get miserable. It is same for opposite. So, if we have to choose either of ones' life, we should choose the victims' life because victims should be prior to criminals.   

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