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RE:[1지23 차상경] Protect The Identities of Serious Criminals:
작성자 김민서 등록일 18.04.08 조회수 50

your essay is really nice. I think criminals had to be punished strictly too.

but if their primary information, like name, face, residence so on, are open to public, they probably can’t live as human. They are anyway member of society. Our society’s responsibilities are not only caring for the victim but reforming a criminals. It’s not reforming. It will destroy criminal’s life. if things come to this stage, they become a society’s hermits. Also, criminals can crime again with discontent of society. I hope safe country, but, I want to, in addition, community where everyone can live a decent live. I know they did horrible things. Although victims are painful, we don’t have any rights to deprive them of their life.

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