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RE:[1지04류승빈]Should the personal information of felons be disclosed to the public?
작성자 김영진 등록일 18.04.08 조회수 43

[1304김영진]Considering the structure of the law in this country, and the children and women who are vulnerable to crime, I think it makes sense to release the criminal information.

But your claim was that when criminals reflect on themselves, and return to society, there must be someone who hasn't adjusted to a society. But should the rest of the criminals be branded the 'danger' and suffer every day? Some criminals regret their sins and feel truly sorry for their victims, but they wouldn't be able to stand in front of people forever, Isn't this a little too big a tie for them?

이전글 [1지23 차상경] Protect The Identities of Serious Criminals:A Chance for Criminals to Commit Crimes Again (3)
다음글 [1예22조윤재] Recognizing released prisoners and criminals : Trust that they must have corrected