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RE:[1예22조윤재] Recognizing released prisoners and criminals : Trust that they must have corrected
작성자 김이상 등록일 18.04.06 조회수 119

[1403 김이상]

I agree that the disclosure of the identity of criminals you mentioned has a negative impact on socialization, lowers their reputation, and results in secondary harm. However, do all the felons accept and repent their sins? Let me cite a type of felony, sexual crime. Sexual assault has a relapse rate of about 62 percent. But can it still negatively affect their socialization, lower their reputation, and cause secondary damage? Of course it is true of some people who sincerely repent. That's why I used the expression " yes " to it. It is also suspected that if one makes sincere repentance, he or she will admit to such a disadvantageous treaty, the disclosure of personal information.


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