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[1매08 박주영] RE:[1501 김상은] No Competition Makes Own Development
작성자 이주희 등록일 18.06.25 조회수 22

[1매08 박주영]

I totally agree with you. Today's Korean students see them as rivals to beat their growing friends. Isn't it a sad reality? Also, in the third grade of high school, the problem of EBS college entrance exam, which is not a normal school regular course, is repeated continuously. Adults should consider what education and evaluation will help their children grow, develop and be happy before they are asked whether or not the absolute evaluation of the College Scholastic Ability Test will be absolute or not. Not just for competition and entrance exams, but for children to dream about and be happy. For education to be taught and grown together.

이전글 [1519 이재우]The absolute evaluation of the CSAT is only a burden to students>
다음글 [1608 백혜민] What can you do for the absolute grading education system?