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RE:[1난23 최지연] Absolute grading system, a ray of light
작성자 김은지 등록일 18.06.23 조회수 11
1난04 김은지
I opposed to the implementation of the absolute CSAT system. That is because I thought the implementation of the absolute evaluation system would make it difficult for students to distinguish between grades and that universities would make their own tests accordingly. However, after reading your write, I realized that if the rank were the same, there was a way to distinguish by the CSAT score. If the absolute evaluation system of the College Scholastic Ability Test is implemented according to your method, I will support the absolute evaluation of the CSAT. Thanks to you, I seem to have broken the stereotype of the absolute evaluation system of the College Scholastic Ability Test.
이전글 [1310 박종관] The absolute evaluation: starting point for a new education (1)
다음글 [1난20 정은서] A problem to think again - the absolute evaluation system of CSAT